The Story of Wendy Campbell

Wendy W. Campbell, is an Oakland, California-based documentary film-maker and writer.
I have found that there is nothing more inspiring than taking a trip, especially to a foreign country where I leave behind my daily routine, including e-mails and the internet, to get to think outside the box and to get a chance to write down my thoughts.
The moment of inspiration for me to start writing this article on this latest trip, to Baja Mexico, came moments after I stepped into the Alaska Airlines jet and picked up the complimentary issue of The Wall Street Journal. Generally I avoid mainstream media these days since I know it is mostly pro-Israel propaganda as well as blown-up sensationalistic stories such as the case of Scott Peterson, meant to distract people from the more important issues of our time, such as the US foreign policy, for example.
The article in the Wall Street Journal dated September 21, 2004, that rankled me into finally writing this article which has been brewing in my mind for some time was one by Jeffrey Ball entitled "As Prices Soar, Doomsayers Provoke Debate on Oil's Future". The sub-title was: "In a 1970's echo, Dr. Campbell (no relation to me!) Warns Supply Is Drying Up, but Industry Isn't Worried".
Now let me explain to you that I have already come to the conclusion a while ago that this controversy about the 'shortage of oil' is being pushed forward by mostly pro-Israel forces for their own narrow agenda that has nothing to do with the vast majority of the American people's interests.
Even in this article, it is explained that: "Dr. Campbell is at the center of a small but suddenly influential band of contrarians known as the 'peak oil movement'".
US Media Decides Who Will Be Spotlighted in the Media
Is it a coincidence that Dr. Campbell is "suddenly influential"? No, it is not. Even the Wall Street Journal is playing into the game of making Dr. Campbell "suddenly influential" with this article.
Why is the US media pushing Dr. Campbell, a man who lives in a tiny Irish village, into the limelight? Because the media, which is run by pro-Israel forces, want people like Dr. Campbell to be in the limelight is why.
And you may ask, why is that? Well, because Dr. Campbell's views help support the pro-Israel agenda of that other "suddenly influential band of contrarians", known as the NeoConservatives. The NeoConservatives are mostly Zionist Jews, headed by Paul Wolfowitz, who qualify as Israeli Americans, and who are now openly directing our US foreign policy almost completely. Christian Zionists such as Bush and Cheney have jumped on their bandwagon. Of course, it looks even more convincing when a non-Jew such as Dr. Campbell, puts forward claims that will lend support to the pro-Israel agenda.
People whose voices the US media wants you to hear will be heard. Conversely, people whose voices and actions the US media want to hide, will go into the memory hole. It's only an illusion that we have a free and democratic press here in the US. Personally, I think it's about time to vote for affirmative action laws with regards to specifically the US media and those in our US foreign policy department, both of which have a hugely disproportional percentage of Israeli-Americans in them. Whoever shapes public opinion has an unfair advantage politically. It serves as the government's propaganda mouthpiece, but only when the government does as it wants. Conversely, it has to power to bring politicians down who are not pro-Israel enough, often simply by ignoring them and not giving them any coverage.
Let's Debunk Some Common Myths About Israel and Oil
First of all, I'm sure many of you are aware of the notion put out there by political pundits (who are most likely pro-Israel) that the US somehow needs Israel in the Middle East to be its stationary "aircraft carrier" to act as the "tough cop" looking out for American interests in that region, specifically with regards to oil.
Let me ask you these few revealing questions.
Have you ever noticed that bottled water is actually cheaper than gas?
Have you noticed or read the reports that the price of gas has not risen in keeping with inflation?
Do you realize that the Arab world needs to sell its oil even more than we need to buy it from them?
Did you know the US gets oil from many other countries including Mexico, Venezuela, Canada, etc. besides a few Middle Eastern countries? And that there are more and more discoveries of oil resources throughout the world? And that many geologists say that oil is actually a renewable resource? Even this Wall Street Journal article that sparked my writing this article gave many examples of how geologists scoff at Dr. Campbell's prediction of an "oil crisis" looming ahead.
Even in Michael Moore's Arab-bashing, misleading, "daring" exposé documentary "Fahrenheit 9/11", he made it clear that the Saudis are heavily invested in some sectors of American business, and that the Saudis are and always have been very cooperative with the US government, with the exception of the "oil crisis" of 1973, which I will discuss later in this article. It is well-known that the despotic Saudi government caters to the US government, so much in fact that the Saudi government is not popular with a vast majority of its own people, who see their government as selling out to the American government, which supports Israel's brutal persecution of the Palestinian people. In fact, the Saudi government risks being overthrown by its own people because of their government's relationship with the US. Osama bin Laden was thrown out of his country Saudi Arabia, his assets frozen in banks there, and he was ex-communicated from his family, because he advocates the overthrowing of the Saudi government for cooperating with the imperialistic, materialistic, Zionist-dominated US government, which has thousands of American troops stationed on Saudi soil, a key sticking point with bin Laden.
By the way, did you notice how Michael Moore didn't even mention the word "Israel"? Or "Zionism"? Or even "NeoConservatism" in his documentary? Not surprising. His agent is top Hollywood Jewish Zionist Ari Emmanuel whose brother is Rahm Emmanuel, a hyper pro-Israel senator in Illinois.
Another interesting note about Moore's documentary: he even pointed out how none of the Saudis could reap any financial benefits from the war on Iraq, unlike American companies such as Halliburton. So his whole Arab-bashing approach basically backfires. It shows how cowardly Moore is in the face of Zionist Hollywood, not to mention how greedy he obviously is to go for the big bucks, which toeing the Zionist line assures anyone in the worlds of US media and politics. It's ever so convenient and "somehow" politically "acceptable" to scapegoat Arabs and Muslims in Zionist Hollywood and US media.
Consider this as well: does it make any sense whatsoever to spend over $200 BILLION on the war on Iraq to get control of Iraqi oil for US interests? Especially when we could easily buy it, if we needed to? Not to mention the war's cost in human lives and alienating much of the world in the process?
So What is Really the Pro-Israel Agenda with regards to Oil?
So, what is the pro-Israel agenda when it comes to oil?
First of all, the ethno-centric Jewish state of Israel is a small, resource-poor country, with no natural oil resources, and is almost completely dependent on US support in the form of not only massive financial support (billions of US tax dollars yearly) but US military and political cover as well. Israel, quite simply, would not survive as the apartheid, imperialistic, war-mongering Jewish state that it is, without the massive support of the US government. Israel is surrounded by well-deserved, self-made enemies thanks to the initial injustice of the UN unilaterally giving away Arab land that was not theirs to give away in the first place to Eastern European Zionist Jews who have been committing ethnic cleansing and persecution of the indigenous non-Jewish Palestinians ever since 1948. Since that time, Israel has continued to aggressively steal even more Arab land and has blatant ambitions to control the entire Middle East, using the power and might of the United States.
If more Americans were truly aware of how racist and imperialistic Israel is, they would most likely demand that our government stop supporting Israel at all until it is transformed into a true democracy for all regardless of religion, race or gender, as the world pressured South Africa to transform from an apartheid country to a true democracy ten years ago. If more Americans knew how support of Israel increases anti-American sentiment worldwide and ensures endless unjust wars, they might very well question their government's support of Israel. There are many reasons for Americans to question their government's support of Israel including first and foremost for real financial and security concerns as well as our country's hard-won reputation as a democracy for all, regardless of religion, race or gender.
The fact is that the pro-Israel, Zionist-dominated US media very rarely even mentions the topic of Israel outside of incidents that involve Palestinian suicide bombers, which then make the screaming front page headlines. The footage of the aftermath of such an attack is played over and over again, back to back on ZNN (oops! I meant to write CNN!) and Fox News and all the other US media. These isolated attacks by Palestinian suicide bombers are thus over-reported while the context in which these desperate acts occur is usually completely ignored. The on-going brutal persecution of the non-Jewish Palestinian people, including the killing of innocent civilians and children, since 1948 by the Israeli army goes almost totally unreported and is generally veiled from view by the American public.
Most Americans Don't Even Know What Zionism Is, US Media Likes to Keep It That Way
Most Americans don't even know what Zionism is. In a nutshell, it is a racist, nationalistic, political ideology conceived by Theodor Hertzl, an Austrian Jew in the 1890s, that maintains that there must be a Jewish state in Palestine, although that means and always has meant policies of ethnic-cleansing, apartheid and general persecution of the indigenous non-Jews of that land, the Arab Muslim and Christian Palestinians. In a nutshell, advocates of this racist Zionist ideology are driving our US foreign policy. What ever happened to separation of synagogue/church and state? Isn't it time to openly discuss this? Why are double standards allowed for Israel and for Zionists?
However the US media does not want Americans to even think about these things, never mind discuss them! Certainly, the pro-Israel media does not want Americans to question our government's support of Zionist Israel. That is why there is never any mention in mainstream US media of the Israeli connection to 9-11, to the war on Iraq, to the so-called "war on terror", and to the subject of Israel's quest for oil.
This intentional covering up by the Zionized US media of the Israeli connection to anything that impacts the US negatively has been going on for decades.
What the US Media Still Hides About the 1973 "Oil Crisis"
And nothing proves to me that the US media has been covering for Israel and still covers for Israel (refusing to show the negative effect for Americans of the US government's "special relationship" with Israel) more than this article about the "oil crisis". Here is a specific case in point:
Does anyone remember that time during 1973 when there was such an "oil crisis" that there were really long lines at all the gas stations and when gas was actually rationed out at the gas stations so that you could only get gas every other day, depending on whether or not your license plate ended in an even or an odd number?
I do remember that time vividly. I didn't know why it was happening at the time, but I know exactly why now. And it's not because I got "enlightened" by the pro-Israel US media.
Here is how this Sept. 21, 2004 Wall Street Journal article by Jeffrey Ball (who obviously passed the required litmus test of being pro-Israel enough to work in the US media) presented the "oil crisis" of 1973, in such a manner that still puts a veil of the Israeli connection to that event even today. Here is a direct quote:
"Then in 1973, the Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) tightened their spigots, and the world panicked. The result: high prices, long lines and frequent shortages at gas stations across the U.S. and Europe."
There was exactly no mention of the context of why OPEC "tightened their spigots" in 1973. No mention at all.
Are you ready for the Israeli connection to this crisis that is almost uniformly covered up by the pro-Israel US media?
Here it is: In 1973, Egypt went to war against Israel in order to win back the Sinai Peninsula, which Israel had stolen six years earlier in Israel's infamous pre-emptive "Six Day War" in 1967 against her neighboring countries.
In that pre-emptive 1967 war, Israel not only stole the Sinai Peninsula from Egypt, but also part of southern Lebanon, which Israel has since relinquished, and the Golan Heights from Syria, which is still being occupied to this day by Israeli forces, as well as The Palestinian Territories: the West Bank and the Gaza Strip, now generally referred to as The Occupied Territories. Pro-Israel forces generally prefer to refer to the Occupied Territories as the "disputed territories".
Egypt appeared to winning its retaliatory war against Israel in 1973, so Golda Meir, the American-Israeli Prime Minister of Israel at the time, worked with American-Israeli Henry Kissinger to pressure the US government to come to Israel's rescue, which it did.
Therefore in a show of solidarity with Egypt, the Arab countries of OPEC "tightened their spigots" of gas and oil for export to the U.S.
There you have it: the real reason for the "oil crisis" of 1973. But the pro-Israel US media does not want Americans to realize that support for Israel has many negative effects on the lives of Americans, which includes potential politically induced "oil crises", such as was obviously the case in 1973.
Pro-Israel forces in this country and around the world want to minimize the power of Arab countries which is mostly due to their oil resources. Therefore the pro-Israel forces are relying on the US government to directly control these resources primarily for Israel via wars, campaign contributions and a manipulative media. Pro-Israel people detest going to the gas station, because every time they pump gas into their cars, they angrily believe they are helping Arab Muslims ("terrorists"), whose land and resources Zionists view somehow as rightfully theirs. But of course, they don't want the non-Zionist or unaware-of-it-all Americans to resent their US government's support for Israel which can possibly mean paying more for gas in a future politically induced "oil crisis", as it did in 1973.
Another example of the Israelization of America: have you been to the airports lately? The kinds of procedures at the US airports that you have been experiencing lately have always been the "norm" in Israel. This is a prime example of how Israel's "war on terror" has SOMEHOW become America's "war on terror" and how it directly impacts the lives of Americans. The "war on terror" is NOT about democracy. It's an imperialistic war which will have no end if the Zionists (anyone who is pro-Israel) have their way, because it is unjust and breaks International Laws.
There is another aspect of the Israeli connection to the war on Iraq, which many people wish to believe is all about oil for the US, rather than the Zionist ideology that is actually the driving force behind the push for a war on the entire Middle East, which began with Afghanistan, and moved onward to Iraq, and threatens to expand to Iran, Saudi Arabia, and even Syria, which is not an oil exporting country (which just goes to show once again: it's not just about the oil!)
Pro-Israel Forces Want to Re-Open a Pipeline from Iraq to Haifa, Israel
A case in point is the fact that American-Israelis in our government want to "re-open" or re-instate, the pipeline that used to exist between Iraq and Palestine, which is now specifically Haifa, Israel. When Israel was created in 1948, that pipeline was re-directed by Iraq to Syria. Now pro-Israel forces are actively seeking to cut off the pipeline to Syria and re-direct it to Haifa, Israel. For more information on this, please do a Google-search using such keywords such as "Iraq oil pipeline to Haifa, Israel" and see what you come up with.
Just as Israel's connection to the war on Iraq has been kept out of the US mainstream media (as you may have noticed, Israel has not even been mentioned as one of our "allies" in the war on Iraq), this choice nugget of information with regards to Israel's ambition to get a basically free supply of Iraqi oil is also kept out of view for vast American public consumption.
I could go on about all this (yes, there is much more) but I will stop here.
You get the picture, I hope. You won't get it from the Zionized US mainstream media.
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